So we’d heard that Daniel Radcliffe was staring in an adaptation of Joe Hill’s Horns, but so far there has been little by way of tips and treats to soothe our savage minds. Finally, behold! A clip has clawed its way to the surface!
Full disclosure: Daniel Radcliffe’s American accent is perfect. We were slightly disturbed. We’re also very sorry for his plight because he looks like he could use some sleep and a drink.
No one knows when Horns might be released, since it doesn’t have a distributor yet, but really Hollywood. You know we want this movie.
I’ve heard good reviews and loved the book. Can’t wait.
Is he playing a faun?
Wow! I’m even more excited for this movie
oooh, i’m intrigued
So many write-ups about this movie praises Radcliffe’s accent. When the biggest thing about the movie to brag about is the actor was able to use an accent, you may need to worry about the quality of the movie itself.
Bernard, the reason they say that is because he did such a good job of it. It’s very unexpected, so obviously it will stand out to people. If all you’ve seen of the film is the tiny bit in this clip, it’s REALLY not time to start questioning its quality yet.
That accent really is perfect! Now I’m going to have to pick up this book!
The book was amazing, no doubt. I don’t know how well Daniel Radcliffe will do as Ig, but im still stoked for the movie nonetheless. I thought Shia Labeouf would have been a perfect portayal of Ig Perrish though. Guess i’ll just have to wait and see!